New Year's Resolutions
When I was in elementary school, we used to sing this song in January:
New Year's resolutions,
New Year's resolutions,
I'll sing mine, you sing yours,
New Year's resolutions.
And then, as the song suggests, we would sing our own resolutions (do my chores, eat my peas...or whatever else we could come up with). Needless to say, I've never cared much for making resolutions.
Rather than make the futile New Year's resolution to go on a yarn diet (I've tried it; it doesn't work for me), I'm joining the Yarn Life 2007 Crafting Challenge.
So, in no particular order, I present to you my fiber-related goals for this year.
Type A: Concrete goals.
New Year's resolutions,
New Year's resolutions,
I'll sing mine, you sing yours,
New Year's resolutions.
And then, as the song suggests, we would sing our own resolutions (do my chores, eat my peas...or whatever else we could come up with). Needless to say, I've never cared much for making resolutions.
Rather than make the futile New Year's resolution to go on a yarn diet (I've tried it; it doesn't work for me), I'm joining the Yarn Life 2007 Crafting Challenge.
So, in no particular order, I present to you my fiber-related goals for this year.
Type A: Concrete goals.
- Join (or form) a knitting group.
- Work on projects for which I have bought the yarn but have not yet cast on.
- Try some new knitting techniques, including intarsia, 2 socks on 2 circs, toe-up socks, and steeking.
- Try other fiber-related activities, such as spinning on a wheel, weaving, and needle felting.
- Knit a sweater that I will actually wear.
- Design something and submit it to an online knitting magazine.
- Knit something to enter to my county fair.
Type B: Periodic goals. None at the moment.
Type C: Ongoing goals.
- Weave in ends within a week of binding off a project.
- Spin more often.
- Knit in public more often.
- Use more yarns that aren't blue. (Project Spectrum 2.0 should help with this.)
- Try some different fibers and brands of yarn.
Goal C1 isn't doing so well at the moment.
And let's not forget about Stranded: The Colorwork Challenge.